Malaika KimyaFreiheit von Anfang an - Bildungsverein für Gesundheit, Kultur und Ahnenwissen

About us


Mother Earth provides us with a plant or herb for every problem and every illness. The herbs we use are either picked by ourselves or bought directly from organic traders.

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The aim of our work is to restore the balance between people and Mother Earth and between male and female energy. We support people in their emotional healing journey so that their body, mind and soul can regain it's balance. We mainly use herbs, essential oils and the ancient knowledge of the ancestors.

You are the answer to the prayers of your ancestors!


Essential Oils

 We obtain the oils we use from doTERRA. These oils “are produced to the highest quality standards. Only experienced cultivators harvest the plants at exactly the right time to guarantee the highest possible quality and thus maximum therapeutic effect. Essential oils from doTERRA are among the best essential oils on the market.”

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